I will like to sponsor a teacher

    After you filled in the form you will receive a confirmation-email with some extra details. Then you can start your sponsorship by depositing the amount of 15 Euro every month to our bankaccount.

    About our teachers

    We are very happy with our teachers, whom we have been training in Stephen Covey's 7 steps and non-violent communication for the past six years. This has paid off as our school performs very well in the provincial examination. Inflation of almost 30 per cent every year is hitting teachers hard and we have not yet been able to increase salaries as the school's income would not cover the costs. However, we risk losing teachers to side jobs as the travel costs become too high. We therefore appeal to your heart to support a teacher with a monthly donation of 15 euros per month. We need only 20 donors.

    Nigeria’s primary school system explained

    Nigeria has two types of primary schools: public schools and private schools. Below we’ll give you a short summary of the system.

    Thank you for your support.