What makes our school special?

We are grooming a new generation with a new mindset.

Academic & Moral integration

Next to subjects like English, Maths, and Science, we also teach The 7 habits of Effective People, Leader in Me, developed by Stephen and Sean Covey for primary schools. We also focus on environmental awareness, integrity, and stewardship. We practice this in all we do at our school.

Middleclass and poor children go to school together

At Integral School, middle-income families pay for their children to get quality education, while sponsors contribute to the education of children from poor families. This way we teach children that no matter how much your parents earn; everyone has the capabilities to achieve something in life.

We specially train our teachers

We do our best to select well qualified and like- minded teachers. Twice a year we train them how to teach the pupils the values of Integral School. It’s not easy, because cultural ways and perspectives are deeply rooted. However, we notice huge changes. Parents and students see that we treat children differently, we NEVER use physical penalty, and stimulate pupils to unfold their unique potential.

We train parents

We believe that a healthy household stimulates the children’s educational practices. Where it’s not usual for Nigerian kids to be stimulated at home to ask questions, be critical, and find out things in their own way, we believe that these are important conditions to create leaders. Therefore, we give parent’s trainings in non-violent communication, and all the values and habits that are being taught to the children.

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